Data Analyzer


You enter this screen with the controls preset based on the main screen selections.

CRITERIA.gif You can select a range of choices for number of cells, gear ratio, and prop diameter. The program will step through all possible combinations. Use the arrows to specify the ranges and step increments. Pitch automatically steps between D/2 and D. The titles in red are limits you specify. When the program makes calculations, it throws out any combination that is not within limits. ElectriCalc will show you the number of combinations you have selected. Don't worry about very large numbers. ElectriCalc will throw out all but the Top 10 in each of 4 performance categories.

ANALYZE.gifClick the Analyze button to start crunching numbers. ElectriCalc will continually estimate your computing time. If you want to quit, simply press the Esc key.

As ElectriCalc makes its calculations, you will see the estimated time remaining, how many combinations have been tried, and how many passed the selected limits.


When ElectriCalc completes its calculations, a List screen will appear. This list will have up to 40 setups. ElectriCalc selects the Top Ten in the categories of Cruise Time , Top Speed , Climb Rate , and Climb Height . You will get less than 40 setups if:

- You started with less than 40 combinations.

- Less than 40 are within limits.

- One or more setups are in the Top Ten in multiple categories.

You can print this list, save it in a text file, or sort it by up to three categories. You can select a particular setup by clicking its row in the list. This will enable the Select button. You can also double-click the row to both select and return. Select will transfer you back to the main screen with the new setup (prop, gearing, cell count) entered there. Cancel will return you back to the Analyzer screen.

RETURN.gifReturn gets you back to the main screen.