Multiple Motor Configurations
ElectriCalc allows you to quickly configure multiple props and/or motors. You
can specify up to 15 motors driving up to 15 props. There are no restrictions
except that each motor must see the same load. You could drive 2 props from 1
motor or 2 props from 4 motors. You can choose a multi-motor configuration by
selecting Multi from the menubar by clicking it, by clicking the raised Motor Configuration panel, or by using the ALT+M shortcut key.
First select the number of motors you want to use. The number of props will
automatically change to the number of motors you select. If desired, now select
the number of props you want to use. Finally, select the wiring layout you want
to use.
Accept will transfer you back to the main screen with the new configuration entered
You can sort of understand the nomenclature if you read this as "4 props
Ganged to 8 motors wired as Parallel units of Series strings of 2 motors."
Cancel will return you but leave the original configuration unchanged. The Esc key does likewise.